
Бюро переводов «Прима Виста»
входит в ТОП-20 переводческих
компаний России 2020 г.
English version
English Company
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About Us

Company Profile

Prima Vista is a company providing translation services. We have been working on the translation market since 1999, and since that time we have shown impressive growth. Among our regular customers there are well-known Russian and foreign firms – banks, plants, transnational corporations, government agencies, software engineering companies, theatres, medical centers, and many others. Our customer base spans across more than twenty countries, including Great Britain, Germany, India, USA, France, Israel, Italy, Spain….

Our Team

Our team is built of translators, proofreaders, and project managers who are fond of their work, true professionals with many years of experience. We also work with freelance translators, who have proven their abilities through rigorous selection testing. Twelve in-house employees and about seventy freelancers work for our agency. We also have a database of 1,800 professional translators to whom we can turn if our workload so dictates. The authority and professionalism of our colleagues lets us approach even the most difficult projects with confidence.